“The WORD became flesh.”
Pick a book of the bible. Any book. (If you are struggling, try Malachi or John.) Using one chapter/section per day, journal through the acronym S.O.A.P.
Scripture: As you read the passage, select one or two verses that pop out to you. Trust that God wants to use to speak to you. Write that verse or phrase down.
Observation: Observe what that verse(s) is saying about God, you, others or living by faith. What does the chapter help you understand about it? Write out a few sentences telling what you notice about that topic.
Application: Consider how this applies to you personally. What does God want you to do in response to what you have read? How might God want you to change? What help and encouragement is God offering you? This step is the most important part of your journaling time. Let God speak to you about your own life, and write what you sense God is saying.
Prayer: Write out a prayer based on what God has shown you today. This may be a prayer of thanks for what God has done for you, or you may need to admit some area where you have messed up and admit you want to leave those mistakes behind you. God is eager to walk with you to apply what He has brought to your attention!
One Year Bible.
The One Year Bible reading plan is designed to get you through entire bible in 365 days. Each day will have an Old Testament Reading, New Testament Reading and Proverb or Psalm Reading.
Chronological Bible.
The Chronological Bible Plan takes you through the events of scripture in historical order through the course of one year. This is a great plan that helps connect the dots of God’s profound efforts to rescue humanity.